US Citizenship Test fail rate

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Naturalization test (or the US Citizenship Test)

US Citizenship Test is an important part of your naturalization interview and is required by USCIS in order to obtain the US citizenship in the United States of America. The official failure rate from the Office of Citizenship shown below is the true difficulty indicator of the naturalization test.

US Citizenship test consists of two sections: English test and civics test. During your citizenship interview at your local USCIS office(click here for locations)you will be tested on your ability to read, write, and speak English, as well as your knowledge of U.S. civics. The civics test covers U.S. history and government:

Current overall failure rate for the US Citizenship Test is 9.4% or approximately 300 people a day

United States seal for US Citizenship Test

English portion of the US citizenship test has three (3) parts:

  1. Reading
  2. Writing
  3. Speaking

Civics portion of the US citizenship test:

  • American Government
  • Symbols
  • Holidays
  • System of Government
  • Geography
  • History and Rights
  • Responsibilities

Made in USA for US Citizenship Test

USCIS officers follow a defined set of guidelines and materials to administrate the citizenship test. Immigration Consult provides those official guidelines and materials for your review in a form of digital content or study guides. Please feel free to use digital content to help you study and visit our Online Storefor additional study guides.

US citizenship test outline (steps):

• You will be asked to read one (1) sentence out of three (3) sentences picked by the interviewing officer in English
• You will be asked to write one (1) sentence out of three (3) sentences picked by the interviewing officer in English
• Your ability to speak and pronounce English will be determined by your ability to answer questions from theUS Citizenship Civics Test Flash Cards, your N-400 form, reading the sentences and following basic commands during the naturalization interview.

pass for US Citizenship TestPlease visit Immigration Consult Online Store to purchase study guides to help you successfully pass the test.